Gutsy cinema that breaks new ground
ARGENTINA , Germany , Dominican Republic | 106 minutes | 2017
Deadly vengeance and voodoo are on the menu of this feature about one family’s outrage when their debt-ridden patriarch is assassinated by a local bigwig. Deliberately anarchic in its approach, this singular entry (a winner at Locarno 2017) from an up-and-coming Dominican filmmaker follows a gardener employed at a wealthy Santo Domingo villa as he returns home to his remote village to mourn his father. Cocote’s power undeniably lies in its rendition of the explosive energy of the nine-day burial ritual. Exhausting but breathtaking.IN COMPETITON
Meilleur film (prix Signs of life) - Locarno 2017
No biography
Following up Une jeunesse allemande (2015), Jean-Gabriel Périot continues exploring history’s ghosts with this tribute to the victims of the bombing of...
Feature film , Drama
FRANCE , Japan | 106 minutes | 2016
Three Iranians on the loose in the French countryside. A low-key, poetically handled road movie in which the bonds of a fast friendship are formed. Before...
Feature film , Comedy
FRANCE , Switzerland | 106 minutes | 2017
Two clans on either side of a river have a visceral hatred for each other. The conflict turns ugly, everyone is on edge and going out means risking your...
PHILIPPINES | 106 minutes | 2016
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