To make a festival is a bit like making great wine... Every year, each vintage stands out. It is a team effort, and one that must not be rushed. While some sort, select and harvest the best clusters, the best fruits, the others busy themselves with the container and the label... designed this year by Ottoblix; it symbolizes the diversity of our public and the more than 383 works presented as part of our 46th edition. Originating from several cuvées and blends, this 2017 vintage has much to offer in terms of innovation and quality. The Festival du nouveau cinéma is a place of sharing and emotions to consume without moderation, so, with the harvest now over, it is time for the tasting.
A big thank you goes out to all our partners and sponsors, our volunteers and the entire FNC team – without whom this annual fall event could not take place.Have a good festival!
You are going to LOVE this 46th editionAn audacious menu, as good as the 45 othersWorks that will leave you open-mouthedFOR movie lovers of all types, the virtuous virtual,for the public and filmmakers of yesterday and today.2018 * I’m passing on "the puck" to the brave Philippe Gajanand his trailblazing programmers, together with the restof the incredible festival team. Diversity, the pleasure of sharing.Let us preserve the wonderful FNC cinemas:the sumptuous Imperial, the venerable Cinémathèque,the courageous Parc, the Quartier Latinand, coming soon… the new and essential Cinéma Parallèle,who will celebrate its 50th birthday.Opening the festival this year, nothing betterthan a stunning Denis Villeneuve.+ A grand and delicious Thank You to my mentor, Dimitri Eipides.I’m staying here with you, of course… Ciao! A la proxima...
CLAUDE CHAMBERLAN, Co-founder and co-programming Director - Pleasure Activist
In 2017 as in 1971... The changes are in the continuity, a present nourished by the past yet turned towards the future. Today, as yesterday, the Festival du nouveau cinéma has two missions to accomplish: first, to accompany the works and act as a broker for this incredible, vibrant cinematic diversity, to be the jewel case of these precious gems; and then, accompany the mutations of our time. What is a Festival in the days of Netflix? It is an event that is characterized by the encounter.A meeting of a work and its audience, of course, but perhaps more of an encounter of forms, discourses, men and women. A moment suspended in time to better explore who we are and what we want to be.An inclusive "we", generous and open to the world.
PHILIPPE GAJAN, Co-programming Director
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