Gutsy cinema that breaks new ground
PHILIPPINES | 95 minutes | 2016
Two clans on either side of a river have a visceral hatred for each other. The conflict turns ugly, everyone is on edge and going out means risking your life. In his highly assured fourth film, the promising Filipino director depicts the land disputes of two families whose hatred and resentment of each other is passed down from generation to generation. An homage to women who, despite losing loved ones, do everything they can to preserve the family unit, this stunning film highlights one of the many forgotten conflicts throughout the world.IN THE PRESENCE OF THE PRODUCERIN COMPETITION
No biography
Following up Une jeunesse allemande (2015), Jean-Gabriel Périot continues exploring history’s ghosts with this tribute to the victims of the bombing of...
Feature film , Drama
FRANCE , Japan | 95 minutes | 2016
A six-year-old orphan goes to live with her uncle’s family in the Catalan director’s autobiographical tale. Carla Simón explores her young heroine’s...
SPAIN | 95 minutes | 2017
The secret sex life of the land of minarets. A hugely politically incorrect film that shows the hypocrisy behind religious rectitude. A daring animation...
Feature film , Animation
AUSTRIA , Germany | 95 minutes | 2017
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