Exploring new technology trends
UNITED STATES , Canada , Israel | 40 minutes | 2017
IN COMPETITIONTestimony is an interactive VR documentary that shares the stories of five survivors of sexual assault and their journey to healing. More than just a film, Testimony is an advocacy platform to allow the public to bear witness to those who have been silenced. Despite persistent victim-shaming and the discounting of their experiences, survivors are increasingly coming forward, empowering one another. Testi- mony is an interactive investigation that aims to tackle the obstacles women and men still need to overcome in order to report assault and confront the legal system.
No biography
Testimony 2017Le Temps Perdu 2016Points of View 2014Locale 2012PARA site 2011Sometime, Somewhere. 2009That day 2006Execute 2004
Vaysha is not like other girls: her left eye sees only the past, and her right eye only the future. Blinded by what was and tormented by what will be, she...
Virtual Reality , Animation
CANADA | 40 minutes | 2017
IN COMPETITIONAfter the swirl of experience, you will find that you have accomplished a dance of your own. Melissa Painter and her key collaborators have...
Virtual Reality , Experimental
UNITED STATES | 40 minutes | 2016
IN COMPETITIONThe Shared Individual is a ground-breaking performance mixing film, performing arts, and technological trickery with virtual reality. A...
SWEDEN , Denmark | 40 minutes | 2016
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