Exploring new technology trends
IRAN , Netherlands | 9 minutes | 2016
IN COMPETITIONDeathTolls Experience seeks to re-sensitize the public to the rea- lity behind the abstract statistics on the hundreds of thousands of deaths in the Middle East. Based on a virtual journey through the his- tory of European bloodbaths, an ocean filled with body bags contai- ning recently drowned Syrian refugees, and casualties of the Syrian civil war, DeathTolls Experience immerses us in the meaning of the figures, opening up an emotional perspective on suffering and terror.
No biography
Re-creation of Magritte's Paintings - 2015Snow VR - 2016DeathTolls Experience - 2016
IN COMPETITIONThings mature with winter, but the thaw makes them real again. At the border of three levels of reality, you are the last-minute guest, the...
Virtual Reality , Fiction
CANADA | 9 minutes | 2017
IN COMPETITIONIt’s freezing cold on the outskirts of town. Yet people gather. I watch them form a row across the horizon. We all wait for something to...
Virtual Reality , Animation
DENMARK , France | 9 minutes | 2017
A young man is consumed by passion for a woman who is far away. The protagonist’s feelings can be summed up by the Portuguese term chega de saudade,...
Virtual Reality , Experimental
FRANCE | 9 minutes | 2017
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