The Wild Bunch
THAILAND , Germany , Norway | 108 minutes | 2017
An offbeat thriller steeped in influences from both East and West: the latest sensation in Thai cinema. Beautiful Viyada, a bored soap opera actress, sees her rich foreigner husband fall increasingly under the sway of an obscure cult. Pen-Ek Ratanaruang (Ploy, Invisible Waves) is back with this intriguing entry that mixes retro 60s flair with Bollywood swagger, underscored by a disturbing strangeness à la Hitchcock/Buñuel.
No biography
The 30th anniversary of a Western with vampires. A chance to see the late Bill Paxton again and discover some early Kathryn Bigelow (Zero Dark Thirty,The...
Feature film , Action movie
UNITED STATES | 108 minutes | 1987
Playing the role of an urban, white-collar worker, renowned actor Chin Shih-Chieh takes the viewer into a surreal, erotic scene by muttering passages of...
Short film
TAIWAN | 108 minutes | 2017
A surprisingly contemplative alien invasion film where the visitors are able to eradicate the impact of humans. Strangely utopian. The Japanese filmmaker...
Feature film , Sci-fi
JAPAN | 108 minutes | 2017
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