
CANADA | 8 minutes | 2017

Louis' life takes a strange turn the day he discovers his girlfriend hatching an egg.

Presented by L'inis
as part of the Rencontres pancanadiennes du cinéma étudiant


Friday October 13, 2017

Program #253
Cinéma du Parc 2

As part of RPCE 3 - L'inis présente

Guillaume Comtois

No biography

distribution and credits

  • Costume Sophie Lefebvre
  • Music Frannie Holder, Vincent Legault
  • Editing Hubert Hayaud
  • Sound designer Jean Camden
  • Cinematographer Steve Asselin
  • Screenplay Jocelyn Martel-Thibault
  • Artistic Director Marie-Claude Gosselin
  • Sound desgin Guillaume Boursier


  • L'inis

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