
CANADA | 22 minutes | 2017

Documentary exploring visual impairment through the daily life of Chloe (11 years old), Alex (17 years old) and Salma (21 years old), all with partial or complete blindness. An intimate journey centered on the existential questioning of their place in this world.

Presented by UQAM
as part of the Rencontres pancanadiennes du cinéma étudiant


Thursday October 12, 2017

Program #236
Cineplex Odeon Quartier SALLE 16

As part of RPCÉ 1 en compétition

Alexandre Lefebvre

No biography

2016 "Comme tu veux" Short fiction 9 minutes
Presented at the Rendez-vous du Cinéma Québecois 2016, section sexualité
Presented at the Student Film Festival of Quebec 2017
2017 "Prends ma main" Short documentary 22 min

distribution and credits

  • Music Pascal Palomino
  • Editing Samuel Caron
  • Cinematographer Émile Desroches-Larouche
  • Sound desgin Philippe Lefebvre


  • UQAM

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