The Wild Bunch
FRANCE , Belgium | 99 minutes | 2017
The cult documentary series Strip-Tease adapted for the big screen. Deadpan Belgian humour that pokes at sensitive places. Uneasy laughter abounds. A judge who’s seen all the evil there is to see reopens a deeply sordid cold case. At the same time, a string of cases crosses his desk, reflecting the ills of an entire society and the absurdity of a world where sometimes all you can do is laugh. A relentless exercise in voyeurism, set as a trap for the viewer, who is left with no choice but to question himself.IN PRESENCE OF THE DIRECTORSNORTH-AMERICAN PREMIEREWith the support of Wallonie Bruxelles Delegation
No biography
Two sisters fuck and kill in a pornographic extravaganza that puts women front and centre. X-rated cinema that looks for trouble (and finds it). Galaxies...
Feature film , Pornography
FRANCE | 99 minutes | 2016
Individuals loose themselves in a labyrinth where love and eros prevail, with desire as their only guide.NORTH-AMERICAN PREMIEREFollowed BY HPG's...
Short film
FRANCE | 99 minutes | 2017
Playing the role of an urban, white-collar worker, renowned actor Chin Shih-Chieh takes the viewer into a surreal, erotic scene by muttering passages of...
TAIWAN | 99 minutes | 2017
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