National competition of short student films
HAITI | 11 minutes | 2014
After the funeral of her husband, Martha was consumed with grief and gradually sinks into the abyss of his memories. This huge loss weakens and pushing her step by step away from reality, taking her to explore the limits of madness .Presented by the Cine intitute in Haïti, international school in honoras part of the Rencontres pancanadiennes du cinéma étudiant
As part of RPCÉ 1 en compétition
BiographyNative to Bel Anse, Wood-Jerry Gabriel was born in Jacmel, Haiti on September 25th, 1988. And raised by his father, Haitian artist Martineau Gabriel (deceased 2005). Wood Jerry later, like his father, found his passion in painting and joined Fosaj collective of Jacmel in 2010. In 2011 and 2012 Wood Jerry moved on to study journalism and enrolled in Cine Institute, the premier film school of Haiti, to begin his career in filmmaking. Some of Wood Jerry’s recent works have been directing short videos, writing and directing shorts films and participating with others cinema projects. Currently Wood Jerry has been concentrating on film and literacy projects.
An electric universe, an elastic moonscape, a potential film B, a postmeridiem alligator lemon.Presented by BISHOP’S UNIVERSITYas part of the Rencontres...
Short film , Experimental
CANADA | 11 minutes | 2017
In a remote area of rural Haiti, strange disappearances of children occur. David tries desperately to find his little brother, even though he will have to...
Short film , Horror
There is a saying about how the simple flapping of a butterfly's wing can cause a storm thousands of miles away. This idea was the cornerstone of a dream...
Short film , Sci-fi
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