
CANADA | 11 minutes | 2017

Echoes of the past resurface when a young woman re-learns how to communicate with her dying mother in a palliative centre. For Audrey, this is her last chance to prove that love is stronger than any issue of gender.

Presented by L'inis
as part of the Rencontres pancanadiennes du cinéma étudiant


Friday October 13, 2017

Program #253
Cinéma du Parc 2

As part of RPCE 3 - L'inis présente

Frédérick Neegan Trudel

No biography

distribution and credits

  • Costume Marie-Noëlle Klis
  • Music Sébastien Langlois
  • Editing Richard Comeau
  • Sound designer Tiago McNicoll Castro Lopes
  • Cinematographer Philippe Roy
  • Screenplay Jonathan Lemire
  • Artistic Director Frederic Devost
  • Sound desgin Guillaume Boursier


  • L'inis

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