Exploring new technology trends
FRANCE , South Korea | 7 minutes | 2017
The rain creates an ambiguity, a blur between the physical and mental limits of the viewer and the protagonist, as they belong to different times, cultures and a forgotten — but yet not extinguished — life condition. An encounter with a Korean girl in an Asian landscape, whose apparent magic cannot make us forget the tragedy of the situation. The young girl is a victim of sexual exploitation during the Japanese occu- pation during WWII, and her life is progressively revealed with the spec- tator at her side. In collaboration with FESTIVAL ELEKTRA
No biography
A Japanese toy robot — inhabited by you, the viewer — is given to a young boy on his birthday. The comedy takes place in 1982 suburban America. In this...
Virtual Reality , Action/Comedy
CANADA , United States | 7 minutes | 2017
IN COMPETITIONYou’ll never look at animals and plants the same way! An extraordi- nary and humbling immersive and organic experience. In a world in...
Virtual Reality , Experimental
FRANCE | 7 minutes | 2017
The spectator finds himself in conversation with four actors at four points of the compass. Everyone is jealous and wants the viewer’s attention....
CANADA | 7 minutes | 2017
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