See the trailer

FRANCE , Burkina Faso | 84 minutes | 2017

Ady, a 13 year-old boy, no longer listens to his father, who raises him alone in southern France. The father running out of resources, decides to entrust Ady to his uncle Amadou for the summer. Uncle Amadou and his family live across the Mediterranean Sea in Burkina Faso! There, at 13 years of age, one must become a man but Ady, persuaded to go on holiday, understands things differently.


Tuesday October 10, 2017

Program #158
Cinéma du Parc 1

Tuesday October 10, 2017

Program #159
Cinéma du Parc 1

Berni Goldblat

No biography

distribution and credits

  • Screenplay David Bouchet
  • Interpreter Makan Nathan Diarra, Ibrahim Koma, Hamadoun Kassogué


  • Bathysphere productions

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