Film events and Master Classes
UNITED STATES | 97 minutes | 2017
Certain sick people are stigmatized because medicine doesn’t have any answers for their suffering. Unrest documents the puzzle of chronic fatigue syndrome. A promising future is darkened by a mysterious, medically non-existent illness. A prisoner in her own body, afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome, Jennifer Brea films the physical and emotional impacts of her precarious health. A documentary that sparks powerful emotions while offering a ray of hope to those struggling with the illness.
Prix spécial du Jury - Sundance 2017
No biography
Solitude, mourning and murder in this noir-hearted, latter-day Western indie thriller that’s also a haunting character study. The scene: small-town...
Feature film , Drama
UNITED STATES , Canada | 97 minutes | 2017
Hilarious comedy in which Emmanuel Bilodeau tries to get out of a predicament caused by a series of questionable actions. How does a nice, accommodating...
Feature film , Comedy drama
CANADA | 97 minutes | 2017
In Bolivia, Nepal, New York and Montreal, prison seen from the point of view of the inmates’ children. It’s a particularly distressing fact of life...
Feature film , Documentary
CANADA , Switzerland | 97 minutes | 2017
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