See the trailer

GERMANY | 91 minutes | 2017

An anarchist cell of lipstick lesbians uses porn as a propaganda tool. Explosive, sexy and outrageous. A radical feminist cell made up of provocative, gutsy lesbians with an absolute horror of men sets out to overthrow the patriarchal system. Canada’s most anti-conformist filmmaker is back with a delightful anarchist screed, in the tradition of queer cinema, that appropriates our most exuberant fantasies to transgress the rules.


Friday October 13, 2017

Program #259
Cinémathèque - Salle Fernand-Seguin

Saturday October 14, 2017

Program #279
Cinéma du Parc 1

Bruce La Bruce

No biography

distribution and credits

  • Screenplay Bruce La Bruce
  • Interpreter Susanne Sachße, Viva Ruiz, Kembra Pfahler



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