
CANADA | 13 minutes | 2017

Marie-Claude sees her mother's funeral take a turn for the worse when her brother David shows up, surprising every one. There's an unexplained guilt weighing on Marie-Claude as she is torne between her brother, the black sheep of the family, and Raymond, their stepfather.

Presented by L'inis
as part of the Rencontres pancanadiennes du cinéma étudiant


Friday October 13, 2017

Program #253
Cinéma du Parc 2

As part of RPCE 3 - L'inis présente

Guillaume Comtois

No biography

distribution and credits

  • Costume Naomie Caron
  • Editing Mirenda Ouellet
  • Sound designer Olivier Léger
  • Cinematographer Eric Cayla
  • Screenplay Jocelyn Martel-Thibault
  • Artistic Director Raymond Dupuis, Christian Thomas
  • Sound desgin Guillaume Boursier


  • L'inis

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