Experimentation. Transcendence. Rapture.
BRAZIL | 11 minutes | 2017
‘Mehr licht' were the last words spoken by Goethe before he died. An intimate encounter with a blinding white light is an encounter with the self at the edges of time and existence.
No biography
• “A ilha do Farol” (The lighthouse island), 2017, 23 minutes, Fiction – (Olhar de Cinema de Curitiba)• “Mehr Licht!”, 2017, 11 minutos, Experimental. (Edimburgh Int’l Film Festival, Cine Ceará, Dobra, Art Exhibiton at Casa França Brasil).• "Natureza Morta" (Still Life), 2016, 19 minutos, Doc Experimental. (Mostra do Filme Livre, Pirenópolis Doc, exhibition “A mão negativa” in Parque Lage, RJ)• “A mulher que não queria parar de beber suco de maracujá” (the lady who didn’t want stop drinking passion fruit juice), 2014, 17 minutos, Fiction. (Rio de Janeiro Int’l Film festival). • “CONFETE” (Confetti), 2012, 15 min, Documentary (prize as best direction in FEMINA 2013 e selected for more than 30 festivals around the world such as FIDOCS, Edimburgh International Film Festival, Havana, Rio International Film Festival and others)• “Mar e Cá”, 2007, 17 minutos, Fiction. Directed by Bernardo Barcelos, Leonardo Levis, Tatiana Monassa, Luisa Marques, Mariana Kaufman, Rafael Mesquita (Mostra de Cinema deTiradentes, Teresina etc).• “O trem caipira”, 2005, 5 minutes, Animation/Experimental. (Prize at NOIA 2005 e exibido em Teresina and others).
Something resembling the Big Bang has an energy resulting from the struggle between order and chaos. Everything that is seen takes place in a linear force...
Short film
AUSTRIA | 11 minutes | 2016
“Deyzangeroo” is a ritual performed in the Iranian port city of Bushehr. Influenced by the city’s colonial rule by the British and Portuguese, and...
CANADA | 11 minutes | 2017
The man and the sea are unknown to each other. In the same way that the sea holds hidden treasures, man also keeps his own.
SPAIN | 11 minutes | 2017
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