Tributes - Retrospectives - Cinema on cinema
ITALY , United States | 98 minutes | 1983
A surreal and deliciously kitschy rereading of the ancient myth, updated to feature 80s sci-fi tropes.The recipient of two Razzie awards in 1983, Hercules has all the prerequisites of a total bomb: atrocious dubbing, vile costumes, cheap sets, a popular bodybuilder as headliner and a whack-a-doo script that (wait for it) catapults the famous hero into space! Fascinatingly bizarre, this rewriting of Greek mythology is a bowlful of weirdness with a generous dollop of absurdity.King Minos and sorceress Adriana plan to conquer the world with her magic and his giant robots. To make matters worse, they also plan to sacrifice Hercules' love interest Cassiopeia. Hercules teams up with sorceress Circe and tries to save both his girl and the world.
No biography
Manchuria as the wild frontier in a Korean western: brutal, asto- nishing, ironic, epic. A singular adventure. A treasure map, bandits, a train, a bounty...
Feature film , Action movie
SOUTH KOREA | 98 minutes | 2008
Outlaws want her — but she’s having none of it. Some will lose their heads, literally. As for the others... A magical, mystical film well on its way to...
Feature film , Drama
INDONESIA | 98 minutes | 2017
An infernal duel between two hit men bent on annihilating each other. Delirious destruction and an ecstatically twisted storyline for an inimi- table high...
Feature film , Crime
JAPAN | 98 minutes | 1967
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