Spotlight on homegrown cinema
CANADA | 91 minutes | 2017
Cory Bowles (Trailer Park Boys) presents a brilliant social satire exploring racism, police abuse and social media. Black Cop is a model police officer who never questions the racist system he protects until he’s a victim of it, at which point he unleashes all his rage onto the privileged white community. Using eclectic film techniques (found footage, theatrics), Cory Bowles delivers an extremely powerful first feature.IN PRESENCE OF THE DIRECTORIN COMPETITION
No biography
A sensitive coming-of-age story from a director who resolutely strips all clichés from her rendering of the heightened emotions of youth. Tellingly,...
Feature film , Drama
Fresh look at a homeless, downtrodden couple making their hard-luck way down the snow-covered highways of Canada. The story of a couple of small-time...
CANADA , France | 91 minutes | 2017
A warm, compassionate story of female emancipation set in Vancouver’s Chinese community is well served by two talented actresses. Twenty-three years...
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