National competition of short student films
CANADA | 4 minutes | 2016
At nightfall, Karen decides to leave the party where a friend is starting to lose it. A metaphor of this battle we call life.Presented by WAPIKONI MOBILEas part of the Rencontres pancanadiennes du cinéma étudiant
As part of RPCÉ 1 en compétition
No biography
An electric universe, an elastic moonscape, a potential film B, a postmeridiem alligator lemon.Presented by BISHOP’S UNIVERSITYas part of the Rencontres...
Short film , Experimental
CANADA | 4 minutes | 2017
There is a saying about how the simple flapping of a butterfly's wing can cause a storm thousands of miles away. This idea was the cornerstone of a dream...
Short film , Sci-fi
Jess, 16 years old, is being offered a road trip to California by Lou, an eccentric woman who will soon be released from prison. To make their dream come...
Short film , Drama
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