Engaging with the world
JAPAN , France , Laos , Thailand | 183 minutes | 2016
Japanese director Katsuya Tomita, who broke out in 2011 with Saudade, delves behind the neon facade of sex tourism in a Bangkok red- light district. Luck is the queen of Paradise, a brothel in the Thai capital frequented by Japanese expats. One day, she comes across Ozawa, a former client and lover. They set off on a road trip to the backcountry near the Laos border. Like an archaeologist, the filmmaker reveals the layers of colonial heritage embedded in the globalized present. A meandering epic that roams over the shards of broken dreams, carried by an electrifying score.NORTH AMERICAN PREMIEREIN COMPETITION
No biography
In one of his last performances, actor Anton Yelchin shines as a romantic hero who falls in love with a young French girl against a Portuguese backdrop....
Feature film , Drama
PORTUGAL , France , United States , Poland | 183 minutes | 2016
“It’s about the journey, not the destination”: an adage that takes on its full meaning in this Don Quixote-inspired documentary. In defiance of his...
Feature film , Documentary
GERMANY , Spain , United Kingdom | 183 minutes | 2017
Spellbinding traditional music and lush natural settings are the raw materials of this unconventional hybrid on the roots of Irish music. Shot through with...
Feature film , Biography
IRELAND , Canada | 183 minutes | 2017
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