Engaging with the world
BRAZIL | 97 minutes | 2017
A Brazilian road movie, lyrical but unsentimental, on the tragic, unjust world of a working man sensitive to the wonders of existence. A young man living in an industrial neighbourhood comes across the diary of a comatose factory worker and plunges into the man’s life of criss-crossing Brazil in search of work. Uchoa and Dumans take a deeply humanist approach to themes of solitude, identity, self-discovery and untrammelled economic development in this work of remarkable social realism.IN COMPÉTITION
No biography
Desígnio (Designio), 2009 (short film)Mulher à Tarde (Afternoon Woman), 2010A Vizinhança do Tigre (The Hidden Tiger), 2014
Todo Mundo Tem sua Cachaça (Everybody has it's on way), 2014 (short film)
A polemical musical about the working world and unfettered capitalism — neo-realism, updated. Portuguese documentary filmmaker Pedro Pinho made waves...
Feature film , Drama
PORTUGAL | 97 minutes | 2017
Tormented souls caught in limbo must face their demons and come to terms with their guilt in this poetic, unsettling film from Kenya. For his debut...
KENYA , Germany | 97 minutes | 2016
A single mother and her rebellious son make some bad judgment calls, only to discover precious little light at the end of the tunnel. The 2016 presidential...
SPAIN | 97 minutes | 2017
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