Tributes - Retrospectives - Cinema on cinema
FRANCE , Belgium | 90 minutes | 2009
Welcome to a highly referential sound-image combo that dares to assault our senses and yet also delight them. Unique and unforgettable. With this first feature, made in 2010, Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani launched a major project : revisiting genre cinema, specifically Italian giallo, through pure sensation. Situated between graphic delights and the audaciousness of experimental film, Amer tells the tale of Ana’s intimate quest, from childhood to adulthood. An essential re-watch!With the support of Wallonie Bruxelles Delegation
Prix du public Temps Ø - Festival du nouveau cinéma 2009
No biography
The legendary pairing of Tomas Milian and Gian Maria Volonte, a thought-provoking comment on revolution, plus Morricone at his absolute best. In a word:...
Feature film , Comedy drama
ITALY , Spain | 90 minutes | 1967
German artist John Bock’s sentimental allegory on the traditional western.During his fourth show at Sadie Coles HQ gallery in London, Bock launched...
Feature film , Western
GERMANY | 90 minutes | 2016
A chronically shy bodybuilder is determined to find love, even if it’s to be found in a Thai red light district.A wistful tale revolving around a...
Feature film , Drama
DENMARK | 90 minutes | 2012
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