Testimony is an ongoing, interactive documentary that gathers the stories of sexual assault survivors. Please join us for a demonstration and panel discussion hosted by Concordia’s Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC) and Curating & Public Scholarship Lab (CaPSL).PANELALEXANDRA ROBICHAUDAnimatriceModeratorZOHAR KFIRRéalisatrice de Testimony (Témoignage)Director TestimonyJENNIFER DRUMMONDCoordonatrice SARCCoordinator SARCTANYA ZAJDELparticipante au projet, témoin, activisteProject Participant, Survivor & ActivistKATAYOUN DIBAMEHRCommissaire nouveaux médias FNC EXPLORE Curator nouveaux médias (FNC EXPLORE), Festival du nouveau cinéma
Pitching Session VR is an opportunity for creators and producers from here and abroad to present their project to a jury of experts. FNC will award $1,000 to the winner.
Short Film Author-Director/Producer Match-MakingOn a joint initiative with SODEC, ten writers and ten directors/ producers are matched according their interests and study...
24 images invites you to launch its latest issue. On the theme David Lynch - Au carrefour des mondes, an immersion in the wild universe of the cult filmmaker. Come get...
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