Testimony is an ongoing, interactive documentary that gathers the stories of sexual assault survivors. Please join us for a demonstration and panel discussion hosted by Concordia’s Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC) and Curating & Public Scholarship Lab (CaPSL).PANELALEXANDRA ROBICHAUDAnimatriceModeratorZOHAR KFIRRéalisatrice de Testimony (Témoignage)Director TestimonyJENNIFER DRUMMONDCoordonatrice SARCCoordinator SARCTANYA ZAJDELparticipante au projet, témoin, activisteProject Participant, Survivor & ActivistKATAYOUN DIBAMEHRCommissaire nouveaux médias FNC EXPLORE Curator nouveaux médias (FNC EXPLORE), Festival du nouveau cinéma
SHORT FILM BREAKFASTInformal get-together for FNC industry guests. Producers, directors, distributors and others are invited to discuss future projects over coffee and...
Short Film Author-Director/Producer Match-MakingOn a joint initiative with SODEC, ten writers and ten directors/ producers are matched according their interests and study...
FNC FORUM CLOSING COCKTAILInformal networking session for the festival’s industry guests, designed to create contacts and further discussion.Presented by BUREAU DU...
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