The Dear Criminals 3D show was quite an eye-opener! Well, it’s not finished yet! The evening continues with the band and GAYANCE, a Caribbean-influenced DJ to keep party dancing the end of the night.Picture Dear Criminals © LePetitRussePicture GAYANCE © CCARAZ
Carte blanche to our friends of DeuXX and their new cycle of monthly screenings honouring films made by women. Come celebrate the feminine spirit and enjoy a drink in a...
WITH SHAYDAKISS AND RUBY JANEThis is the end… of the 46th edition ! It’s the ultimate party night at the Agora and the she-wolves are on the turntables…Shaydakiss...
WITH THE MONTREAL ZOMBIE WALKForget about your triskaidekaphobia for a second and come shake your unlucky carcass at the terrifying electro-hell disco in the company of...
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