A MOVIE BY MASAKI KOBAYASHIClassical Japan meets 1960s psychedelia in Kobayashi’s surreal collection of existential ghost stories. Sarah Pagé (The Barr Brothers) has composed new scores for Kurokami, Yuki-Onna and Hoichi the Earless, blending traditional shakuhachi and koto with trance-inducing harp and oud, soaring ondomo and menacing electronics. Jason Sharp, Jonah Fortune, Marie-Jo Thério, Michel F. Coté and Sam Shalabi accompany her on this hypnotic journey, which is, without a doubt, the most surprising experience of this 46th edition.Sarah Pagé quote :« The gorgeous painted skies, the Japanese country side, the esoteric folk tales... Alone, late at night, the first time I saw Kwaidan I had to stop watching mid-way from unease, the same scene in the light of day seemed gentle and welcoming. Mild by today's standards, a friend tells me she traumatized her children and alienated her friends by bringing them to see this film when it was first released. As visually striking as it is, the strong yet elusive hold it has on my imagination lies in its power to point beyond the veil of what we see. »Created for the festival's 46th editionPresented by LES FEMMES S’EN MÊLENT© Ulysse Del Drago
A MOVIE BY JAMES BENNINGClouds and drone music combine for an electrical and atmospheric performance. Composer Ben Shemie (SUUNS) has been an admirer of James Benning’s...
A MOVIE BY DUŠAN MAKAVEJEVA visual and musical fusion fuelled with poetic and political solar energy. Our favourite Montreal quartet scores a controversial, erotic, and...
A MOVIE BY PAUL WEGENER AND HENRIK GALEENThe origins of fantastic cinema put to a crazy musical soundtrack. Josh «Socalled» Dolgin, an incredible multi-talented artist,...
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